Languages in business

■ LRA, to investigate the language strategy of the company, working elements
priority to language training and to learn whether or not they support,
also in communication with clients and advertising material
It developed a questionnaire used to determine the language selection.
Investigation criteria are divided into three main groups: the company's overall language
strategy, internal language and non-language strategies strategies.
■ Data in all countries / regions, a number found in city
and selected the company collected a total of 484 companies surveyed
It was applied. Goal 4 as the business sector (banks, hotels, construction
companies and supermarkets) have been selected. Overall, participants
The number of hotel more relative when compared to other sectors
Although the sector has achieved a good balance high.
■ In the area of ​​general language strategies, the implementation of the company survey
While one in four distinct strategies applied to language,
More than half are considering language in recruitment.
The one-fourth of the companies developing intercultural awareness
for language learning and mobility regular staff
It is encouraging. However, 70% of staff language
It is to keep a record of skills and very little in language learning
Benefit from EU programs.
■ common language in terms of language training, surveys administered company
27% of business English, for those who have different mother tongue 14%
support and assistance in other languages ​​as national languages ​​in 12%
It has been reported. A relatively small percentage, reward for language learning
and it has promotional plan. These are the common 11%
In the business English, while only 5% of the national language and other
languages. Staff to improve their language skills
The number of companies forming partnerships with the education sector, moderate
levels are: one quarter for regular or occasional English
17% for non-native speakers of the national language and the other 14%
It cooperates with the education sector for languages.
■ survey administered just under the company's future in the industry
external communication in business English as the common language in addition to national
using up to 30% of the national language and in their own web site
Use of other languages ​​in addition to English.
■ In sorted order, German, Russian, French, Spanish
and Italian companies in the survey in English
then is the most common language used, the internal market in Europe
It reflects the power. Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and
Turkish (higher prioritization can be expected
Despite their languages) surveyed some companies
by önemsenip it is supported.

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