One Armenian, one Kurdish, Turkish other three friends go thirsty on the road; it has been attached in a link to your eyes. Bunches and grapes ... "Let's go to the garden, if you have the money, we eat gives appetite. Or, what comes out of a two bunches of grapes" they think. Grapes that have begun to full meals, have come to have a look. Armenian priest had clothes on. He owns a vineyard understand that different religions; the other two asked: "Who are you, what are you?" Kurdish one, the other told him that the Turks, to be able to cope with a combination of three, ridden priest beaten. "These are my religion, my brother. And what happened to you?" The priest said, "I will pay the money" in a pattern, he looks up and down the stick back to the grower. Kurdish and Turkish, he watched the beating without response. The priest fell to the ground, growers this time Kurdish man returned: "You are my brother, my religion, but still you crash our wells. Do the same ırkta your friend. My blood just because. Ye are my property, get a pleasant duty." This time the Kurds have started to tattoo, was out of Turkey's voice. After her rights, growers, Turkey has been directed: "OK, we understand, are Turkey, are of the same blood, the same religion, but to see someone entered without looking?" he asked; this time began to hit him. Turkey, a punch round of Kurds returned and "we," he said "At first, pastor dövdür not gonna."
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