Linguistic diversity are explored in this project

In this project, our desire, the existing language in the European community
The wealth of all these languages ​​and multilingualism and çoğuldillilik
for inclusion in the policies and practices ölçütlüg
to reflect. Difficulties we live separate and language types
It was to classify them appropriately.
AK 2008 in many spoken communications in Europe "national, regional,
minority and immigrant "language" to add a face our common history "
as well as the definitions of "foreign languages" expressed worldwide
and in particular to identify which non-European languages ​​with a cover
It uses for.
Good learning the national language, and work successfully in the community
The importance of education to fully benefit from the widely accepted
It is. Learning foreign languages ​​is common in Europe.
Less emphasis on local species in the language / languages ​​of minorities and migrants,
but their importance has been adopted in the European Member States
is supported by both the EU and the CoE is required.
These two institutions, important tools of communication of both types of intra-group language
and they are many EU citizens' personal, cultural and social
identity that should be supported because they form part
emphasis is to do.
CM / R (98) 6, com (1998), regional and minority languages ​​and cultures
Members parameters for specifying desirable for policy
States to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages ​​of the Terms
and the eyes of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
He asked to be taken into providing. Likewise CoA all
Filing and languages ​​in equal respect for countries' immigrants
regions or regulations continue to bilingualism in the neighborhood
and learning the language of the place of residence of migrants
support "was called for.
Top Level Group on Multilingualism Final Report (2007)
In addition, the language resources from potential migrants
and the utilization of the best companies to gain
As these immigrants an opportunity of cultural and linguistic skills,
access to markets for immigrants in their own country
talks about the importance of exploitation:
Too often, migrants are only a problem
it is seen - lower performance of immigrant children
or minimum levels prevailing in the host country's language
adult immigrants. Often overlooked are immigrants
The fact that it is a valuable resource. Welcoming immigrants
paying special attention to language of the host country's immigrants
language - even in other languages ​​- can increase their motivation to learn
and appointed a mediator between the different cultures
We can make them.
Very often, young second- and third-generation immigrants and their
their heritage or community languages, well-developed aural / oral
It has the skills, but to read and can not write. Their one
Most of these languages ​​reads / writes are very willing to make. Schools,
higher education and adult education institutions, this target
to provide special learning opportunities for group work into
should bring. This will secure investment, since
people economic links with their homeland
It will help to establish and intercultural
integration of new immigrants and dialogue
be able to play an active role in the program.
Based on this ground, which will be discussed at our LRA survey
language community; national, foreign, regional / minority and immigrant languages
It will contain. With very little or have resided outside the country
the people (and their language) when referring to the European
We are fully aware of the different associations in the country (area
refer to terminology Extra and Gorter 2008: 10).
Therefore, the scope of the LRE project, the above types of language
We will investigate and will use the following definitions
(see Glossary for additional in Section 1 and 2):
■ National languages: the official language of a nation-state.
■ Foreign languages ​​are not learned or used at home, but
Learning and teaching or non-teaching school in the industry
languages ​​widely used communication languages.
■ regional or minority languages: a state within certain limits,
forming a smaller group of the population of this state
Languages ​​traditionally used by nationals.
■ Immigrant languages: livable in the country of immigrants and their
spoken by the descendants of the source and origin of countries
from an infinite number of languages.
McPake and Tinsley for similar perspective (2007), we advice.
In this context, conscious of the repertoire of European languages ​​an immigrant language
form that is incorporated and also the multilingual policy and
sign language to the first stage of data collection for applications
to indicate that we are made aware that sending too little
we wanted. Noteworthy is the migration in Western societies or
within a single nation-states in linguistic minorities, in reality
There are deaf people who are a minority within the minority. Verbal (oralist)
Given the hegemony of the large deaf people
The majority of the double difficulty, let alone the general culture of the society
but also they are also deprived of their native culture bırakılıl
(Schermer 2011). Between the deaf community and other linguistic minorities
There is an important difference. The only other sign languages ​​from one generation
transferred to a limited extent. The main cause of deaf people%
It is to have parents that can be heard more than 95
sign language for people who are not natural languages. Deaf people are great
The majority of deaf sign language their peers, outside the family
of deaf adults and / or sign language as a second language
acquired which is to learn from parents.
The European Parliament, a decision on June 17, with sign language
In 1988 it was unanimously approved. Decisions, all Member
The state of their national sign language for deaf people picture
It seeks recognition as a national language. So far this
It has limited the impact of the decision. In 2003, the Council of Europe sign languages
by minorities in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
It has been recognized as languages. Our first tour, sign data collection
language (the language), in official documents and in the LRA survey database
language and the language in the audiovisual field and press media
We've included part.
Presented above, "local / minority" and "immigrant" between languages
discrimination, which is widely used and understood in continental Europe, other
hand, as it was common in Great Britain, aşağıdanyukarıya-
community-supported languages ​​are tempted definition; national, regional
and / or for immigrant languages. Also, the "community" languages
The concept of a national of the European Union countries in the EU documents often
It refers to language and at least in the EU jargon this means
"Occupied territories" means (see for terminology area
Extra and Gorter 2008: 7-11). Common in the Ethnologue site
The term "immigrant" language opinions last term support
World's Languages, which is very valuable and widely on this topic
used as a standard cross-country information source.
Under the current project, regional / minority languages, if these languages
is recognized by the relevant nation-state, "formally known as"
We'll admit. In addition, such recognition European Council
Regional or Minority Languages ​​can also be caused by the European Charter.
Regulation entered into force in March 1998. These regulations, policies
In the context of the Member States and the possibility of legal action
It serves as a criterion for comparing Europe (Nic Craith,
2003), and "Europe's historic regional and minority languages" Protection
and targeted support. The Regulation, "regional" and "minority" languages
The concept is mentioned ("States shall decide on the definition")
and immigrant languages ​​are explicitly excluded. States which
regional / minority languages ​​are free to choose to include.
Also, the degree of protection is not defined; therefore, a
You can choose tight or loose government policies. Results of EU Member
There is a broad diversity among States (Gray, 2003).
The proposed language to make clear distinction between types almost
We are aware of a number of complicating factors that make it impossible. After all
Before, between and within EU Member States and several regional / minority
and migrant languages, in larger numbers than many official state language
He has told. Moreover, German or Danish in Ukraine
As in Russian, for example, an EU country, regional / minority
or immigrant language may be official state language in another country.
It should also be borne in mind that the European nation-state
Most, if not all languages ​​of the immigrant origin in Europe
It comes from outside the country. Particularly on immigration and azınlıklaş
context, regional / minority and immigrant languages ​​we recommend separation
It makes unclear. However, a more transparent alternative
We can not think. Nothing even if the distinction we recommend
at least awareness, and ultimately minority languages ​​in Europe
conceptualized in the way of a comprehensive approach
We believe that open.
1.4 language areas covered in the survey
LRA survey area covers eight languages. In the first area, the official
national / regional documents and databases on language diversity
We have included a meta-space overlooking the validity. Language learning in education
Given the important role of the four areas, financed by public
The main stage, which is the education from pre-school to university
which focuses on step up. In addition, society and business
To determine the level of education of multilingual services in the world
three areas are covered outside and beyond. As a whole, the survey
Eight area, distributed among areas as outlined in Table 3
It comprises a total of 260 questions. 2-8-oriented language fields questions
Referred to in Chapter 1 is based on European documents.

Table 3: Distribution between the language areas of the questions

Area 1 of the participating countries / regions in each of the nationwide
or linguistic diversity across the region related official documents
and search for the presence databases. Of such documents
and the availability of the database in a particular country / region
contribute considerably to the realization of multilingualism and language
It can format the education policy. The official documents and in this area
the separation of the database, common in language planning work
With the state planning corpus (corpus) between planning
It is closely intertwined with separately. Our study on documents
that section, the use of different languages ​​in a given society and function
initiatives undertaken embodiment, the database on
part of the distribution range of languages ​​in a given society
and represents strength and initiatives undertaken in the planning.
Survey 2-4 areas, for students without adult state
It focuses on training provided by. Each of these areas
related, including common distinction between lower and upper secondary education
including age-related and / or differences depending on the type of school
including definitions, Section 1 and 2 of this publication for Dictionary
in chapter.
Language teaching organization in each of these areas and nature
In addition to the training of teachers, each of the four language varieties
to be examined. Between teachers with basic organization
distinction widely used (see. eg Eurydice, 2008).
Responses to the public as well as official data on this section
It is based on sources.
National and inter-country levels of post-secondary education
Given the significant variation in area 5, the basic
(vocational) and higher education (university), the distinction between education
focus. As a result, this area of ​​post-secondary education
for largely bilateral and gives supplemental information. Areas
6-8, except education and beyond is very important it encompasses three areas.
Areas responses in the 5-8 per each country or region
The data collected and reported in the urban context of the three cities
It is based (see for more information. Chapter 5). The 5 forward
(vocational) and higher (university) education institutions of a small
It explores the language requirements on sampling. Slot 6, audiovisual
It focuses on language in the media and the press. 7 language areas, institutionalized
strategy, verbal and written communication facilities and communication facilities
languages, in terms of public services and public space
It condenses. Area 8 focus of the language in business; company language
strategy, internal communications strategies and external communication strategy.
Each country / region 24, the company has targeted sampling.
1.5 Data collection and application of three-city
As stated above, responses in the 1-4 area of ​​the LRA survey
Picture / documents based on compiled data and national or
reflect common practices and policies at regional level.
Areas 5-8, on the other hand, the source data collection and data analysis
Based upon. Data collection from this source, each
country / region considering the following points in three cities
It is taking place:
■ places where multilingualism is most common in urban environments,
because long-term residents and newcomers work
It tends to accumulate there to call.
■ Cities, national response to linguistic diversity
They strengthen dynamics;
■ further and higher education institutions are common in cities
available (area 5);
■ international press, cinema and television stations
are concentrated in cities (area 6);
■ As a result, city managers and city planners
multilingualism towards creating local policies
they require (area 7);
■ are located in the center of the city, many businesses (field 8).
Table 4, the choice of cities to 1-14 Situated countries are the same. Wherein
the city plus regional / minority languages ​​in the most populous
status, power and / or the number of people speaking the language in the aforementioned countries
It focused on two cities, including the city is high. Table
4 countries in the 15-18 they comply with the above model
It creates difficulty.
15 countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina has three national languages: Bosnian,
Croatian and Serbian. For collecting data from selected sources
cities, mostly in Sarajevo when Bosnian is used,
Banja Luka and the Serbian-Bosnian mainly used
and when-Croatian Mostar are often used.
16 countries, Switzerland is composed of 26 small states and four official
It has a language: German, French, Italian and Romansch language
LRA research in all areas of the province took place in three instances:
a German-speaking (Zurich), a French-speaking (Geneva)
and an Italian-speaking (Ticino). Data for areas 2-4, the
The table is gathered for publication, but the area for 5-8
It was presented at the city level.
17 countries, Spain, from the 17 autonomous communities and two autonomous cities
It was formed. LRA autonomous society for research in three areas 2-4
- Madrid, Seville, Valencia - and two "historic nationalities" - President
Area and Catalonia - it was carried out. Three profiles were created:
Madrid, a combined profile for Sevilla and Valencia, Basque Country
and the two separate profiles for Catalonia. Basque two official language
It has: Basque and Spanish. Catalonia has three official languages:
Catalan, Spanish and Aragon language.
18 countries, UK, apart from the four countries, governments and education systems
It was formed. Education (2-4) for the data in each country / regional
It is collected for the policies and common practice. Areas
For 5-8, Wales and Scotland in the cities covered by population size
It is selected. In the UK, after London, practicing in Sheffield
It was chosen for many reasons. Another city study possible
There has been, however, it is hoped that this data will be available soon.
In Northern Ireland, Belfast is to add exist only survey
It has been possible.
The three cities will focus and the proposed regional / minority (R / M)
prior to the selection of the language, all participating national and regional
Statistics for the first two cities, municipalities and the third city of the team
For regional / minority and language / group based on statistics cooperation
it was decided within. Table 4 for each of the countries surveyed
It gives an overview of the city (except for Germany).

National or regional profiles, as specified in Table 4. 23 +22 +22 =
67 is based on data collection from the source to the cities. Table
As can be seen from 4 ruling in selected cities additional regional /
Most of the minority language is the national language of neighboring countries. Language
For areas 5-8, 24 participating countries / regions in each
focus on the sources of data collection are summarized below:
■ Language fields 5, adult education provided by the state
It focuses on language requirements in different species. Two complementary
It has addressed areas: 16 years of age (young) adults
The language requirements for vocational training and academic / university
language requirements in education.
■ Language fields 6, audiovisual media, public radio and television
including publications, films and made great research
the cities with the largest train station in the city buffet
It focuses on language conditions in the spring.
■ Language fields 7, the city level in the public service and public
area of ​​the city, more specifically in the cities studied
(council) institutionalized language strategies at the level of verbal
It focuses on written communication facilities and information facilities.
■ Language field 8, four different business sector - supermarkets, construction
work, hotels and focuses on the bank. One of the researchers,
multilingual / international (M / I) and national (N), and regional or local
(R / L) as evenly distributed as possible examples of business
collection have wanted. In practice, this request in all countries /
power appeared to be applied in the region.
Table 5, each city (x3) from the space and resources for language data
Summary information is given about the collection targets.

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