Languages in Primary Education

■ Both the EU by both coeur, all young Europeans children
they live in the country's national language / bilingual, in addition to language
should learn. Primary school in Italy and outside Ukraine
All the countries / regions for new arrivals to learn the national language
to offer extra support.
■ all countries except Wales / regions in primary foreign
language has reported the condition. Denmark and Greece both foreign
language when necessary, in 18 countries / regions in a foreign language requirement
There. England, Northern Ireland and Scotland foreigners
language is optional.
■ foreign languages, the primary survey carried out in 12 countries
taught from the first year of primary education is ortaaş experimental stages in 7 countries
and only the Netherlands, Scotland and primary education in Switzerland
taught at the final stage.
■ Britain, France and Germany the most common foreign languages
It is emerging as the country is taught. In many cases,
One of these languages ​​must take compulsory for all students
It is discussed. Italian, Russian and Spanish compulsory
or are the other languages ​​offered as an elective foreign language.
■ Should Stick Content and Language Learning (Content and Language
Integrated Learning-CLIL) in Spain to foreign languages ​​alone
widely used, this approach is not systematic
the other 13 countries / regions are used.
■ More countries policies and approaches of foreign language education
for their own national / regional standards, even if they have received basic
in 7 countries / regions for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(AOÖÇ) stated openly that they use. AOÖÇ,
foreign language learning of this age group in A1 / A2 target
unless otherwise specified.
■ Regional / minority (R / M) languages, except Denmark and Estonia 22
country / region is served. R / M language classes and R / M languages
in other subjects taught through lectures in 20 countries /
Regardless of the language history in the area is open to all students.
However, Bulgaria and Greece, the languages ​​that are native
Students are targeted. Offered in a range of languages ​​and countries / regions
It is rich; Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania,
Romania and Ukraine 4 or more R / M language or course
or as often as an educational tool offers. 12 countries /
clıl'y widely reported that the use of other 6
They stated that they use in some areas.
■ Only 5 countries / regions, immigrant languages ​​at primary level
It reported that they offer. These are Austria, Denmark, France,
Spain and Switzerland (Zurich canton). France and Switzerland '
immigrant language classes are open to all students from Austria,
These classes are native speakers of immigrant languages ​​in Denmark and Spain
For those who are separated. Spain and Switzerland partly lessons
while in class hours, this course in other countries
It offered as extracurricular activities. Language skills
Although immigrants followed the development in all countries
success in language, national, regional or school-based
not associated with the standard. Migrants die in course
Austria and Denmark entirely by state
are financed, France, Spain and Switzerland in this course
mostly supported by the country of origin.
■ qualified language teachers for the teaching of languages ​​in primary education
employment in surveyed countries / regions is as follows:
, 16 of 24 countries in the national language, R / M languages ​​in 17 out of 22 countries,
5 of 14 from 23 countries in foreign languages ​​and immigrant languages
2 out of the country. Austria, Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands,
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Switzerland usually foreign languages
classes are taught by qualified teachers. Immigrant languages
Except, most pre-service and in-service training
country / it is common in the region.
■ an open space for the development of teaching a foreign language teacher
mobility is: 24 countries / regions from 9 to no support in this area
they do not have, except Catalonia and Switzerland in the field of structural
It reported that they have their teacher mobility programs.
Foreign language teachers, a higher level of linguistic and
the country of the language they teach you to achieve the cultural competence
spend a long time should be further encouraged.
■ Some countries / regions, the recruitment of foreign language teachers
take active measures to increase. Basque Country, Denmark,
Estonia and Switzerland employ national language teachers.
Bulgaria, Denmark, England, Frizland, Hungary, Lithuania
and Ukraine employ extra teachers of foreign languages.
Of the surveyed countries / regions none of the active
immigrant language teachers, there is no employment.

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