Three Language Formula and multi-lingualism
Multilingualism in the EU alone to promote respect üçdillilik
It is not supported. UNESCO in 1999. "multilingual education" statement
mother tongue, a regional or national language and an international language to be
As it has been adopted as a reference to the use of at least three languages in education.
As early as 1950 the government of India is a multilingual
He revealed the outlines of education policy. This training
policy, in their mother tongue, regional (or national) general communication in the language
and in one of the classical languages as Hindi language - Sanskrit, Pali,
Arabic or Persian - covers education. Bill, 1961
After three language formula revised (TLF) was called and
it includes training in the following languages; regional language, Hindi-unspoken
Hindi in the Hindi-speaking areas or areas other Indian
in one language, and English or in another European language.
EC (1995), in Beyazkitap (Whitebook), all European citizens
He opted for üçdillilig as a policy objective. Apart from the mother tongue,
At least two of every citizen "of the community languages" should learn. This policy
target of the EU Council in Barcelona (2002) and were followed. It
stage, "mother tongue" of the concept of member states to express the official language
and it was used for many citizens for Europe "mother tongue" and
"The official state language," the fact that the match was not ignored (Extra
and Gorter 2008: 44). At the same time, "community languages" concept other
Two members were used to express the state's official language. The recent
The EC document, a stranger with high international prestige
languages (English was not consciously expressed) and "neighboring language" as
one of the named expressions were used. This person last concept
not the language of the country next door neighbor in real life
It is the moment of the language. More recently the EC on this issue
The idea was developed in 2008 and the Communiqué numbered paragraph 4.1 Full
It called the language to be given:
In the current context of increased mobility and migration, national
language (languages) to specialize, successful integration and
is the basis for playing an active role in society.
Therefore non-indigenous people of the host country's language
their 'must include the one-plus-two' combination.
There are also untapped linguistic resources in our society:
different mother tongue and home, local and neighborhood environments
It should be given more value to other languages spoken.
For instance, children with different mother tongues - whether from the EU
or from a third country - in their school a second
The making of teaching the language as language difficulties, other
hand classmates to learn different languages and
motivates the openness to other cultures.
More connection between society considers
a look, for multilingualism and dialogue between cultures
The Commission's advisory group (Group of Intellectuals for
Intercultural Dialogue) (2008) also thought the
appropriate to be exploited 'personal can be selected
language 'has developed the concept.
CoA, without clearly indicating the number of languages to be learned, language
multilingualism and education from an early age of the individual
It plays a leading role in supporting the development
and the necessity to constantly Valuing all languages
It emphasizes. Also, variables and partial competence
He added the idea for putting out an interesting perspective.
Resolution 1969, which built on an intensified for Europe
modern language teaching program, Recommendation No. 814 (1977)
CoE 1982 Recommendation, R / M (82) 18, Member States
where possible, other members of all sections of the population
States (or of other communities within their own country)
provision of access to learn the language effectively
He urged. Similarly to the state, except the national language
a European language or the language of the vehicle about 10 students
or secondary education from the age when they begin to teach
He urges support. The Recommendation also states
to be found in a wide range of languages as possible
He made the call to the facilities made available. In addition to this code
Located into account the needs of migrant workers in the Recommendation
Taking urged to provide adequate facilities for them:
Community work where they live, politics and social life
The host communities so that they can play an active role
language learning, especially for skilled level of immigrants
children can get a proper education, their full
time-work transition from education, need their mother tongue
as well as cultural development and its vehicles
continuing to improve its links with culture.
The Committee of Ministers following the main Recommendation CM / R
(98) 6, CoA, in a range of languages in calling for a European
communication skills and the Member States to achieve the stage
They offered language diversifying and partial modular courses
each including qualifications aimed at improving
he wanted to achieve realistic goals for language editing.
Recommendations of the CoE's latest CM / Rec (2008) 7, the Member
State of the CoE's Common European Framework for Languages for the
(CEFR) is related to the use of and support çoğuldillilig.
Detailed an overview of EU policy on multilingualism
and analysis, Cullen et al (2008) is provided by.
These people, apart from English still against the additional language learning
it is noted that significant reluctance or resistance. This opinion
Not available in other languages, a significant increase in English learning
2009 is supported by the Eurostat data shows. Cullen and
friends, only one out of every five students additional language active European
and that the language skills of uneven geographically and culturally,
It indicates that collapsed. Aimed at supporting Multilingualism
The majority of the formal education sector activity, especially
It finds in secondary education. Cullen et al
(2008: iii-iv) and political support of the EU's multilingualism policy
In the context, the following conclusions were reached:
■ Multilingualism and linguistic differences sometimes political agenda
clash. Language learning policy, economic competitiveness and
Labor market mobility, such as "heavier" primarily by
It tends to be affected. The linguistic diversity policy, including
such as human rights and to "lighter" by subject
affected. Multilingualism policy, in terms of concrete steps
has been more than linguistic diversity policy priority.
■ The European Parliament's activities, the protection of minority languages
and to promote linguistic diversity and maintain consistent
It reflects the persistent effort. Since the late 1970s
The European Parliament, the Commission of the use of minority languages
including support and discrimination against all minority languages
Community legislation or application for review
a series of calls to act notified and published decisions.
However, serious problems for the Member States of these initiatives
is the lack of binding.
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